Primary Ethics is an independently run charity which receives no government funding. We depend on our generous supporters to keep delivering ethics education programs to children.
Support Ethics Classes for children

“I believe the work you are doing is a difference-maker, not only for children now but preparing them to be caretakers of tomorrow.”
To donate using electronic funds transfer: Name: Primary Ethics Limited BSB: 032 002 Account: 84 04 64
*A tax deductible receipt will be issued for all donations over $2.00 in accordance with Section 30-228 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Primary Ethics Limited holds Charitable License Number CFN/22134 in accordance with Section 16 of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991.
Find our ABN on the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission.
“Keep up the wonderful work. I just wish the program was for all children everywhere.”