Primary Ethics was established to provide schoolchildren with the space and skills to explore ethical dilemmas

Primary Ethics is an independent not-for-profit organisation which is the sole approved provider of ethics classes to NSW public schools. We also provide curriculum and training resources about ethics education for children to schools and other organisations around Australia and internationally. Meet our staff and Board below, as well as our academic advisory board.

The NSW Education Act was amended in December 2010 to give students the legal right to attend ethics classes as an alternative to supervised ‘meaningful activity’ if they don’t attend Special Religious Education (SRE)/Scripture classes. This followed almost eight years of lobbying by parents, the Federation of P&C Associations of NSW and The Ethics Centre.

Following this legal change, the NSW Government tasked The Ethics Centre with developing and delivering ethics education classes in urban, regional and rural primary schools.  The Ethics Centre promptly established Primary Ethics Ltd as an independent not-for-profit to develop an engaging, age-appropriate, interconnected curriculum that now spans the years from Kindergarten to Year 8. Primary Ethics delivers public ethics education free of charge, via a network of specially trained and accredited volunteers.

Since 2011, ethics classes have been implemented in over 500 schools in NSW and Primary Ethics has established itself as a highly effective education provider. We started delivering ethics in secondary schools in 2021.

Scroll down to meet our staff and Board.
Our Mission
To support children to develop skills in ethical reasoning, critical thinking and respectful discussion
Our Goal
To continue to grow our program, so that all parents have the option of choosing ethics classes for their child.
Our Values
Primary Ethics is a child-focused organisation, infused with strong core values to help develop young minds

Our Staff

Evan Hannah


Elizabeth Allen

Engagement and Administration Manager

Susan Ardill

Communications Manager

Niraj Shah

Finance Manager

Paula Lam

Administration & Helpdesk
Jarrah Aubeourg

Jarrah Aubourg

Director of Education

Danya Webb

Training Administrator

Feyza Tuncay

Area Manager

Tatar Holmes

School liaison & high school support

Julia Kosheleva

Area Manager

Sandra Banta

Area Manager

Emily Zytaruk

Classroom Support Manager

Georgie McGrillen

Fundraising Manager

Cemine Sezgin

Area Manager

Margaret Widjaya

Classroom Support Officer

Marbecc Webb

Area Manager

Kelby Mason

Philosopher in residence

Our Board

Nicola Kaldor

Dr Simon Longstaff

Stephen Knight

Roger Reidy

Nigel Stokes

Matina Moffitt

Our Values


We respect the rights of parents and carers to make informed choices about the most suitable option for their child. We create learning environments in which children practise respectful discussion. We respect the teaching environments and requirements of each school community and behave in a way that earns respect within each school community.


We employ robust recruitment and screening practices to ensure the integrity of our volunteers and the highest standards in child safety. We use a strong evidence base in the design of our curriculum and strive for continuous improvement. We are open and transparent about our teaching methods and curriculum.


We provide a secular learning environment in which students of all faiths or no faith can learn together. Our volunteer ethics teachers impartially facilitate discussions, supporting children to develop the skills to form their own judgements on ethical issues. Our curriculum is independently developed, reviewed and approved.


Our teacher training and curriculum are continuously improved to ensure excellence in the classroom. We provide classroom support and ongoing training to help volunteers improve their classroom skills. We welcome volunteer, parent and school feedback to improve our training, curriculum, systems and processes.


In ethics classes children learn that ethical issues are more easily understood by talking with others than by thinking alone. Members of the school and broader communities work together to provide ethics education for children. We rely on volunteers, donors, corporate partners and many others working with us to make this program a reality — thank you!