Primary Ethics is an independent not-for-profit organisation which is the sole approved provider of ethics classes to NSW public schools. We also provide curriculum and training resources about ethics education for children to schools and other organisations around Australia and internationally. Meet our staff and Board below, as well as our academic advisory board.
Primary Ethics was established to provide schoolchildren with the space and skills to explore ethical dilemmas

The NSW Education Act was amended in December 2010 to give students the legal right to attend ethics classes as an alternative to supervised ‘meaningful activity’ if they don’t attend Special Religious Education (SRE)/Scripture classes. This followed almost eight years of lobbying by parents, the Federation of P&C Associations of NSW and The Ethics Centre.
Following this legal change, the NSW Government tasked The Ethics Centre with developing and delivering ethics education classes in urban, regional and rural primary schools. The Ethics Centre promptly established Primary Ethics Ltd as an independent not-for-profit to develop an engaging, age-appropriate, interconnected curriculum that now spans the years from Kindergarten to Year 8. Primary Ethics delivers public ethics education free of charge, via a network of specially trained and accredited volunteers.
Since 2011, ethics classes have been implemented in over 500 schools in NSW and Primary Ethics has established itself as a highly effective education provider. We started delivering ethics in secondary schools in 2021.
Scroll down to meet our staff and Board.
Our Staff
Evan Hannah, CEO
Evan took on the role of ethics coordinator at his son’s school in 2014 and joined the Primary Ethics staff in 2017. His career began in journalism, before moving to management positions within media organisations. As CEO of Primary Ethics, Evan’s focus is to build and strengthen the Primary Ethics program across the state.
Elizabeth Allen, Engagement and Administration Manager
Elizabeth is a seasoned ethics teacher who joined Primary Ethics staff in 2017 to assist with running the organisation and building relationships with stakeholders. She has extensive experience in corporate communications and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Science and German and a Graduate Diploma in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour.
Susan Ardill, Communications Director
Susan looks after the Primary Ethics website, our social media and email newsletters for volunteers, parents and the wider community, as well as liaising with the media. Susan’s career began in magazine journalism, moved to television documentary, then into digital with ninemsn. She has worked in communications for a number of non-profit organisations, including a large union and an environmental law firm. She has an MA in Mass Communications and an Honours degree in Literature and History.
Niraj Shah, Finance Manager
Niraj is a chartered accountant with a passion for making a difference through his work. He has many years of experience working in business, mainly in the not-for-profit sector. He has extensive experience of finance and has provided strategic direction and oversight across various organisations' financial activities. He joined Primary Ethics in early 2024.
Paula Lam, Administration Assistant - Helpdesk
Paula’s background in IT support and recruitment administration and her strong customer service skills make her a valuable asset to the team. Since the birth of her son, she has taken a keen interest in education and has completed a Cert III in Early Childhood Education. Paula runs the Helpdesk and assists with enquiries from existing volunteers as well as people who are new to the program.
Tatar Holmes, School liaison & high school support
Tatar began volunteering with Primary Ethics in 2015 as a coordinator so that there would be a program available for four of her children. When her fifth child started Kindergarten, she began teaching ethics as well. Tatar was the coordinator and a teacher for the pilot of the high school program at Katoomba in 2021 and joined the Primary Ethics staff in 2023 in this role. Tatar has a background in management and coaching and is passionate about sustainability, in particular the effects of polarisation on societal progress and behaviour change.
Jenny Curtis, Classroom support officer
Jenny has been training ethics teachers with Primary Ethics since 2018. She is also a classroom support officer, having joined that team in 2023. Her initial involvement with Primary Ethics was as part of the pilot program in 2010, delivering classes when her own children were in primary school. She has professional experience as both an ESL (English as a second language) teacher and working with volunteers as a community organiser with not-for-profits and NGOs. Jenny is also currently an ethics coordinator and teacher for one of our participating high schools.
Margaret Widjaya, Classroom Support Officer
Margaret joined Primary Ethics in 2017 as a volunteer and has previously worked for us in new teacher training, curriculum support, the curriculum diversity project and the training program review team. She studied at UNSW (BA Psych) and USyd (MA Psych), worked as a bereavement psychologist, then headed up national Learning & Development departments for several multinational organisations. Parenting a child with a disability and neurodiversity, Margaret developed working relationships with healthcare and education providers, while also volunteering with many organisations. In the classroom support role, she brings her extensive experience to supporting volunteers in classroom practice to achieve both teaching and personal satisfaction in their contribution to ethics education.
Georgie McGrillen, Fundraising Manager
Georgie is building financial support for the work of Primary Ethics, with a focus on community fundraising and philanthropy. With an initial background in business and then a shift, Georgie has worked in the not-for-profit sector for many years now, across refugee issues, international aid and development and the environment. Her interest in ethics education was sparked when her own children attended Primary Ethics classes at the local primary school. She has a Bachelor of Business with a Major in Marketing and, with a keen interest in wellbeing, an Advanced Diploma of Health.
Nick Brancazio, Curriculum & Development Manager
Nick works with Primary Ethics as a curriculum and research specialist in addition to training new volunteers. Nick has been a volunteer ethics teacher for four years. Formerly a PERL Fellow at the University of Wollongong and having previously worked with Philosophical Horizons through the University of Memphis, Nick is an active researcher in the philosophy of science, with a focus in embodied cognitive science and interaction, and is affiliated with the Philosophy Department at the University of Adelaide. She is based in Wollongong.
Jarrah Aubourg, Director of Education
Jarrah is a philosopher, educator and curriculum author committed to ethics education. Holding a Masters in Educational Psychology from the University of Sydney and First Class Honours in Philosophy from the University of Wollongong, Jarrah brings a deep understanding of education theory and philosophical inquiry to his work. As the Director of Education, he oversees curriculum development, teacher training programs and classroom support initiatives.
Danya Webb, Training Administrator
Danya joined Primary Ethics as a volunteer ethics teacher in 2018 and later became an ethics coordinator as well, launching the program at a new school in her area. Danya coordinates the Primary Ethics training program and is also a trainer in the training team. She has extensive sales and marketing experience in the hospitality and pharmaceutical sectors and has founded two successful kids’ activities websites. Danya holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Marketing and Hospitality Management from UNSW.
John Burgess, Program Director
John comes to Primary Ethics from a background in small business ownership. He assembled and developed teams to lead adventure tours in the Middle East and Asia with minimal supervision in the pre-internet age. On moving to Australia in 2001, he set up and ran a chain of retail food outlets across Sydney. He joined us as a volunteer teacher at the start of 2018. John holds a BSc in Mathematics and has a keen interest in philosophy and moral reasoning.
Coral Sturgess, Classroom Support Team (CST) Manager
Coral has been teaching ethics since 2015 and is also an ethics teacher trainer. She has experience as an English and history high school teacher and school executive responsible for student wellbeing and middle school, as a leader of curriculum consultants with the NSW Department of Education and as a lecturer and tutor of university education students. Coral has led the implementation of ethics in high schools and is co-author of the new high school curriculum. As CST manager, her role is to grow and manage a skilled team that is dedicated to providing classroom support for ethics teachers.
Diana Dagg, Classroom Support Officer
Diana conducts a ‘check-in’ service with new teachers. She also monitors the weekly post-class reports submitted by teachers to EVIE. Diana teaches ethics in Sydney’s south. She has a post-graduate Diploma in Social Sciences and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to research the evaluation of projects to support families in disadvantaged communities. Diana worked for many years in the state public service, most recently with the Aboriginal Education Directorate in the NSW Department of Education.
Kelby Mason, Philosopher-in-residence/Classroom Support Officer
Kelby has been a trainer for Primary Ethics since 2011 and an ethics teacher since 2012, during which time he has trained thousands of our teachers and taught hundreds of students. He has a University Medal in philosophy and a Master of Public Health from the University of Sydney; he did his graduate work in philosophy at Rutgers, where he was a member of the Moral Psychology Research Group and a fellow at the Center for Cultural Analysis. Kelby wrote our ethics high school curriculum and currently provides philosophical advice, trains and provides classroom support for new teachers.
Sandra Banta, Area Manager
Sandra has volunteered as a regional manager and an ethics teacher on Sydney’s North Shore since her son started Kindy in 2016. She continues to teach ethics at her son’s school. Sandra is the area manager for the Regional North and West and Rural North Directorates and loves getting to know the volunteers in that beautiful part of the world.
Cathy Chase, Recruitment and Strategic Partnerships Manager
Cathy joined Primary Ethics in 2017, first as an ethics teacher, then coordinator and area manager. Her background is in organisational psychology and employment law. Prior to joining Primary Ethics, Cathy held a number of HR management roles with large organisations, locally and internationally. She is passionate about developing people to be the best they can be and loves seeing them succeed in whatever they choose to do.
Emma Doran, Area Manager
Emma has been volunteering as a teacher – and subsequently coordinator – since her first son began school in 2016. Early in 2020, she began working for Primary Ethics on the Helpdesk and mid-year moved into the Area Manager role, looking after schools in the Sutherland Shire, Chipping Norton and Western Sydney and rural areas such as Albury.
Anuya Velpanur, Area Manager
Anuya trained as a dentist and psychologist in India, but took a career break and moved to Australia with a young family. She has been teaching ethics since 2016. She started at Primary Ethics as a volunteer support officer, working with onboarding volunteers. In early 2021 she was appointed an area manager, supporting volunteers in the Sydney Metro-South area. Anuya is a lifelong student of dance and an amateur photographer.
Marbecc Webb, Area Manager
Marbecc worked in retail as a Human Resources Manager before becoming an ethics coordinator at her son’s school in 2014. She later added two more roles as ethics teacher and regional manager. In 2019 she was part of the South West Sydney Schools Project, examining awareness and engagement of ethics classes in that region. Marbecc has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Graduate Certificate in Personnel Management and a Master of Business in Employment Relations.
Dana Sampath, Area Manager
Dana’s role is to launch ethics programs in new schools where there’s been no previous program and to relaunch in schools where our programs have come to a halt due to lack of volunteers. She also works on strategies to raise awareness and encourage community volunteering. Dana looks after the Metro North and Regional North directorates. She has been volunteering as an ethics teacher and coordinator at her sons’ school in Sydney’s south since 2015.
Cemine Sezgin, Area Manager
Cemine joined Primary Ethics as a volunteer ethics teacher at her children’s school in Sydney in 2020. She works to introduce ethics classes at schools in northern and western NSW. Cemine was born in Bulgaria and has lived in Turkey, Germany and USA. She moved to Sydney with her family in 2011
Julia Kosheleva, Area Manager
Julia joined Primary Ethics as a volunteer ethics teacher at her children’s school in southern Sydney in 2016. She later became regional manager for that area. She manages our ethics programs on the Central Coast and mid-north coast, including Newcastle. Julia has worked in IT – business analysis and product development - and has had a strong interest in philosophy since her university days.
Feyza Tuncay, Area Manager
Feyza enjoys supporting volunteers in their application, induction, training and teaching journeys. She also liaises with schools to introduce, plan and activate ethics programs. Feyza has been teaching Stage 1 ethics in a Sydney school since September 2020 and is now also the ethics coordinator. She was born and raised in Turkey and moved to Sydney with her family in August 2019.
Emily Zytaruk, Classroom suppport manager & training support
Emily started teaching ethics when her first of three children was in kindergarten in 2016. She has since become the ethics coordinator for her school and works with Danya Webb to administer our training program. She has a background in IT as well as health. Emily obtained her Bachelor of Commerce and Doctor of Naturopathic medicine in Canada, then her Master of Public Health from the University of Sydney.
Nicola Kaldor
Nicola is an experienced director of both NGO and private companies, including as a current National Justice Project Advisory Board Director , Talent Beyond Boundaries Advisory Board director and The Australian Ballet Foundation Board Director. She works as an advocate for refugees across the private school sector. Nicola works with private schools to develop policies, procedures and programs that are embedded into their curriculum to develop deeper understanding and connection with refugee communities.
Bruce Hogan AM
Bruce is the Founding Chair of Primary Ethics. A director of the Stolen Generations Testimonies Foundation and founder and Chair of the Hogan Family Foundation, Bruce has had an extensive director career, following his executive career in investment banking, primarily with Bankers Trust Australia. Past directorships include Chair of, amongst others, Snowy Hydro Limited, State Super Financial Services and the Coles Myer Superannuation Fund, plus non-executive director of NSW Treasury Corporation, Coles Myer, Metcash, GIO, Energy Australia and Funds SA.
"When we formed the Board in late 2010, we had no curriculum, no staff, no offices, phones or computers and no money. But we did have passionate supporters and volunteers and belief and a vision. Today we have a world class curriculum and are delivering ethics classes in 500 schools to over 40,000 children through the extraordinary generosity and skill of over 2700 volunteers supported by an outstanding staff. It’s been incredibly rewarding to be part of this journey."
Stephen Knight
Stephen is a finance industry professional with over 40 years experience in executive and non-executive roles. He held senior financial markets roles at ANZ and UBS and was CEO at NSW TCorp from 2005-2015. Steve currently chairs the ASX Clearing & Settlement Boards, the Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) Audit Committee and the Bond Issuance and Due Diligence Committee for the National Housing Finance & Investment Corporation (NHFIC). He is a non-executive director with Hall & Wilcox and Sydney Financial Forum and coaches a number of senior executives across a range of industries.
"It’s a privilege to be involved with Primary Ethics, as it continues to grow and play a crucial role in helping our next generations develop their ability to navigate a complex and ever-changing world"
Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Chair
Dr Simon Longstaff has been Executive Director of The Ethics Centre since 1991, working across business, government and society. He has a PhD in philosophy from Cambridge University, is a Fellow of CPA Australia and of the Royal Society of NSW and an Adjunct Professor of the AGSM at UNSW. In 2013, he was made an officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for “distinguished service to the community through the promotion of ethical standards in governance and business, to improving corporate responsibility and to philosophy.”
"Primary Ethics is playing an essential role in helping our next generation to address the profoundly important ethical challenges facing our society. I am thrilled to be supporting this work."
Scott Mannix
Scott holds the role of Company Secretary and is Special Counsel for Maddocks State Government group. Scott has extensive experience in advising on commercial and financial matters for both organisations and government agencies. Before joining Maddocks, Scott was General Manager Legal & Strategy at New South Wales Treasury Corporation where he was responsible for advising on and managing the legal risks for the State’s borrowing programs, investment management products and asset financing transactions. He brings a depth of understanding of the unique requirements of government agencies and how legal risks are effectively understood, managed and controlled within organisations.
Roger Reidy
Roger Reidy provides HR and strategy advice and consults across a wide range of businesses, including several top-tier public corporations. Roger joined Primary Ethics in 2011, providing leadership for the Classroom Support Team while also offering pro bono human resources advice and recruitment skills for senior managers, plus acting as CEO when necessary.
"Becoming a director is an unexpected but very welcome progression of my long term involvement, bringing my professional skills to help shape the direction of the organisation."
Nigel Stokes
Nigel held the role of Financial Adviser in the NSW Government for 10 years, working on a number of Government projects. At Bankers Trust Nigel worked on a series of significant privatisations, including GIO, NSW State Bank and NSW TAB. He also advised on the demutualisation of the ASX as well as consulting to the NSW Treasury Corporation on risk strategy. Nigel also sat on the Boards of the CSIRO and the Electricity Commission of NSW.
"For me, the value of Primary Ethics lies in the feedback we hear from students about how they’ve developed in ethics classes. They are learning to explain ideas in their own words. They are developing understanding of the basis of fair discussion and of reasoned argument. Most importantly, they are recognising the value and utility of these skills in their everyday lives."
Matina Moffitt
For the last 35 years, Matina has specialised in audit and accounting for wealth asset managers, wealth management, funds management, superannuation, retail and investment banking and non-for-profits. She has also been the auditor for Primary Ethics. Matina is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Our Values
We respect the rights of parents and carers to make informed choices about the most suitable option for their child. We create learning environments in which children practise respectful discussion. We respect the teaching environments and requirements of each school community and behave in a way that earns respect within each school community.
We employ robust recruitment and screening practices to ensure the integrity of our volunteers and the highest standards in child safety. We use a strong evidence base in the design of our curriculum and strive for continuous improvement. We are open and transparent about our teaching methods and curriculum.
We provide a secular learning environment in which students of all faiths or no faith can learn together. Our volunteer ethics teachers impartially facilitate discussions, supporting children to develop the skills to form their own judgements on ethical issues. Our curriculum is independently developed, reviewed and approved.
Our teacher training and curriculum are continuously improved to ensure excellence in the classroom. We provide classroom support and ongoing training to help volunteers improve their classroom skills. We welcome volunteer, parent and school feedback to improve our training, curriculum, systems and processes.
In ethics classes children learn that ethical issues are more easily understood by talking with others than by thinking alone. Members of the school and broader communities work together to provide ethics education for children. We rely on volunteers, donors, corporate partners and many others working with us to make this program a reality — thank you!