May 15, 2023

Ethics @Home bulletin for parents Term 2 2023

by admin in Education, Parents

Our @Home bulletin for parents aims to let you know what your children are discussing in their ethics lessons this term. We hope they’re talking about it with you at home too!

Bear in mind that schools start their ethics programs at different times of the year, basically when they have enough volunteer teachers. The topics we show you below are based on classes which began at the beginning of the year. If your child’s class only commenced this term, you can also take a look at the Curriculum section of our website to see what they’ll be discussing.

Please contact us if you have any questions about your child and ethics.

Here’s a brief look at what your children could be exploring in their ethics lessons this term. 

Kindergarten: Doing harm without meaning to  
This kindergarten topic explores the ethics of accidentally hurting someone. Students think about and discuss: is it worse to do something bad on purpose or by accident? Should we be punished for harm we cause by accident? Does it matter if it was the result of carelessness or thoughtlessness?
Later in the year, students will consider questions about making things up and showing off.

Stage 1 – Years 1 & 2: When is it fair?  
This Stage 1 topic explores the concept of fairness. Students think about and discuss: How can we divide things fairly? Does being fair mean everyone gets an equal share? When you make something, should you still share it with someone who didn’t help?
Later in the year, students will consider how we should treat pet animals.

Stage 2 – Years 3 & 4: Persuading 

This Stage 2 topic explores the ethics of persuasion. Students think about and discuss: Is it okay to exaggerate or only share part of the truth when trying to persuade someone? And is it fair for advertisers to use tricks to persuade people to buy their products?
Later in the year, students will consider the ethics of getting even – does one bad turn deserve another?

Stage 3 – Years 5 & 6: Being vain 

This Stage 3 topic explores the ethics of wanting to be better than others. Students think about and discuss: is it okay to want to look good and to want to look better than other people? How can one person’s vanity impact on the wellbeing of others? And how do you draw the line between reasonable and excessive concern for how we appear to others?
Later in the year, students will consider how to balance the needs of people they know and strangers in need.

Stage 4 – Years 7 & 8: Giving and accepting apologies 

This Stage 4 topic explores the ethics of apologising. Students think about and discuss: What makes something a good apology? Do you have to accept a good apology? And is it ever important for a group (like a class of students) to collectively apologise for the actions of one of its members?
Later in the year, students will consider if being happy is all that matters in life.